Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Similarities Between The Aleph And The Zahir - 805 Words

Some similarities between The Aleph and The Zahir is the fact that in both stories, the narrators clearly have the same name, Borges. In both stories the main characters, in a way, deny what they have seen. In The Aleph, Borges states that he has not seen the Aleph just so that he could get revenge on Carlos. In The Zahir, Borges sees a psychiatrist and instead of directly talking about the problems he is having because of the Zahir, he states that it is insomnia. Even though the Aleph and the Zahir are different in how they are perceived, they both are described as small circular objects. Differences between The Aleph and The Zahir are the effects they have on the characters. In The Aleph, whoever sees what is in the Aleph†¦show more content†¦I was not really into reading at the time, but I remember that my teacher made us read for at least fifteen minutes at the beginning of every class. If we did not have a book there were many books from her library to choose from. I believe this was one of the first books that I read in her class, and think I chose this book in particular because it stood out. I mean the title itself already piqued my interest. I honestly did not think that I was going to enjoy it as much as I did, It was such a bizarre read with all the strange events and abnormal characters. And in a weird way, the strangeness of the story was what I really liked. I do not think I would have liked it as much if it was not for that. It was one of the first chapter books that I did not have to force myself to finish. This was also one of the first books I read that really got me into loving to read. I just loved getting lost in another world and I wanted to keep reading books that did that for me. When I read A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings, by Gabriel Garcà ­a Mà ¡rquez I was reminded of the time I discovered that I needed glasses. In the story, towards the end, there is a part where the old man becomes extremely weak that they thought he could die. It also mentions that his eyes became foggy and he starts bumping into things because he obviously can not see. This part of the story brings up the memory of me realizing that I

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