Sunday, May 17, 2020

Analyzing the No Child Left Behind Act - 545 Words

No Child Left Behind Act Table of Contents No Child Left Behind Act 3 References 5 No Child Left Behind Act The no child left behind act is a disciplinary action and an accountability system that places responsibility on schools to maintain a certain score for every child. George W Busch signed this law in 2002. According to this act it is mandatory that all students will be proficient in math and reading by 2014. The student progress is measured at school level and annual reports are publicly announced. It is mandatory for every school to meet Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) otherwise federal sanctions may be imposed. Linn (2009) described the consequences for schools in case of failure to meet federal standards saying that Schools that fail to meet AYP targets 2 years in a row are placed in the needs improvement category. Those schools must develop an improvement plan, offer supplemental education services such as tutoring and offer school choice, such as extending the school year or replacing school staff. Schools that fail to make AYP in 5 years in a row are subject to restructuring. (p. 171). There have been great advantages as well as disadvantages of the NCLB. The quote above shows how this has proven to be a great accountability system and how schools have to strive for their survival. The NCLB mandates them to meet AYP targets otherwise the school is either placed in the needs improvement list of is subject to restructuring. Thus in order to meetShow MoreRelatedEssay on The Impact of No Child Left Behind1000 Words   |  4 PagesThe No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) was a piece of legislation proposed by the administration of George W. Bush. The legislation required states to develop educational plans to address issues of assessments, standards, and accountability. 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The APA Division 7, Winter 2008 Newsletter highlights the efforts to revise the No Child Left Behind Act (American Psychological Association Division 7, 2008). The revisions of the No Child Left Behind Act sought to address and improve problems not addressed in previous versions such as considerations for children with disabilities and students learning English as a second language. AdditionallyRead MoreShortage In Education834 Words   |  4 Pageseconomy to grow. Causes Since the No Child Left Behind bill was enacted by President Bush, the nature of education has changed. For the purpose of this paper, the new Every Student Succeeds Act will not be discussed as there is limited academic resources on this bill, as well as the data will not have been collected regarding the effects of the bill since it was enacted in 2016. Current public opinion and knowledge still is more familiar with No Child Left Behind Act. 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